Those little critters are smart enough to follow written instructions from the LA Department of Public Health. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.
Those little Covid critters are really, reeeeeally smart.
How smart are they?, I hear you ask.
They are so smart that they accessed, read, and comprehended correspondence from the Los Angeles County Department of Health that all those people sitting shoulder to shoulder at the Emmys were perfectly safe without wearing any masks.
The list just keeps growing of politicians, rule makers, and other assorted self-appointed elitists who show they don’t have to obey the rules they demand we follow.
Illustrations from the last few weeks:
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, her new husband, and Kansas congresswoman Sharice Davids ignore mask rules at wedding.
Bunches of elitists at $30,000 per person gala event blow off masks while all the server staff are covered.
S.F. Mayor London Breed blows off masks at a nightclub and blows off the requirement to wear masks which she imposed.
Not one person at the Emmys, which was held in an enclose space, located in Los Angeles County, sitting eight to a table when not crowded on stage, is wearing a mask.
For example, multiple protests have taking place all across France for the last 10 weekends or so.
Over the last several months protests have developed in multiple countries. Seems that people are fed up with being told they can’t move around, go to restaurants, or enjoy entertainment without getting government permission to do so.
Here are some of the articles describing people who are fed up:
7/31 – Wall Street Journal – Covid-19 Vaccine Health Pass Feeds French Protest – Photos of protests in France show massive crowds. Estimates are 204,000 people gathered in many cities across the country to protest the so-called Health Pass, which is needed to get into restaurants or movies or museums. There were 14,000 people protesting in Paris at four different locations with 3,000 police officers mobilized to control the crowds.
This is the third weekend in a row with massive protests. Last week there were 161,000 across the country with 11,000 in Paris alone.
August 26, 2021 Navy Corpsman Maxton Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio, Navy Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, of Norco, California, USMC Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Texas, USMC Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, of Jackson, Wyoming, USMC Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, of St. Charles, Read more…
The overlords in Australia, the ruling caste, has gone nuts.
Here’s the long explanation to support that one sentence summary of what’s happening in the country:
They are serious about ‘your papers please.”
8/23/21 – American Thinker – Australia has gone stark, raving mad– New South Wales state which includes Sydney, the largest city in the country, has had a mere 12,588 cases since this past February. For population of 5,200,000 that is a mere 237 cases per 100,000 since February.
In contrast, the United States has had 2,948 cases per 100,000 and California has expienced 1,814 cases per 100K since the end of February.
Because of that horrendous, catastrophic outbreak of Covid-19, the state has imposed a near martial law lockdown. People may only leave their home to go directly to work, grocery shopping, or get medical treatment. I have read elsewhere that if you engage in window shopping on the way to pick up groceries, you will be cited and fined.
In Canberra, the capital, the goal of the lockdown is to completely eliminate the virus. When there are zero infections people be allowed out of lockdown. Zero infections.
Above video is parody of the song “Imagine”, showing the actual results from communism every time it has been ever been tried: empty store shelves, hunger, poverty, repression, political prisons, and death. I could go into depth on the consequences from adopting communism. In fact, have a very short discussion: Read more…
Two years ago it would have been stupid, preposterous, outlandish, tin-foil-hat-wearing, coocoo-bird-crazy to even suggest we could get to the place of needing internal passports in the United States.
Your papers please.
German: Bitte deine Papiere.
Russian: vashi dokumenty, pozhaluysta
English: Your papers please.
On the off chance you missed the implications, the phrase “your papers please” was used in Nazi Germany and communist Soviet Union by those dictatorial governments to check whether people were allowed to be where they were.
Internal passports were needed to move around the country.
Official papers had to be produced upon demand, at any time, even in your own neighborhood.
Sliding down the slippery slope to “your papers please.”
Because of travel and other matters, I’ve taken a break from blogging the last few weeks. Have been on a rigorous news diet as well, which was delightful.
In the last couple of days I started tuning in to the news.
The craziness from allegedly educated people in the public health sector is staggering. Lots of officials have moved to crazyland while I took a short break.
Today’s discussion:
LAUSD will require all students and staff to be tested weekly for infection even if vaccinated.
Protests emerging worldwide against lockdowns.
Maine church files for preemptive injunction in attempt to prevent future repression of religious freedom.
The slide into crazyland
Things can always get worse…
You thought CDC recommending everyone wear masks indoors was bad. Just wait…
Early yesterday the US Secretary of Defense arrived in the Philippines for consultations.
He is fully vaccinated so he is safe from the ‘rona, at least that is what the ‘science’ has boldly declared morning, noon, and night for the last year.