The goal of this blog is to explain that freedom is moral. Whether we are talking about economics, political system, or religion, the moral choice is freedom.

I will try to persuade that when thinking about different systems and approaches to life the paths of economic freedom, political freedom, and religious freedom are the moral choice.

To be more precise, when considering a variety of options, democracy, capitalism, and the ability to worship God as one wishes are the moral path.

You can look around by choosing a topical area in the categories box at the right .  You could also use the search box in the top right corner to look for a specific topic.

Oh, comments will be welcome but because the internet is the way it is, all comments will be moderated.  So, if you post a comment, thanks.  Please understand it may be a while before I review the comment.  If you get irritated by my opinions and share your concern too deeply, you won’t see your comments.  If that is a problem, get your own blog.  Then you too may persuade others of the correctness of your views.  Just like I’m doing.

Just to be clear, this is a blog, not a discussion board.

By the way, even though I moderate comments, I’m not responsible for what others may say.

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of anything you see here, please let me know. You may leave a comment anywhere and I’ll see it. Let me know what your concern is, why it is of interest, and how I may contact you. 

Also, some legal stuff:

I am not responsible for the accuracy or appropriateness of items you may find on sites or blogs I may link to.  While there is useful stuff on the linked pages or articles, I don’t know what else may be at those sites, so be careful.

Oh, and my stuff is copyright, various dates from 2013 through 2024, James L. Ulvog, CPA.

Enjoy! I hope the blog will be a blessing to you and that you will also agree that freedom is the moral choice.


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