More reports on the devastation caused by the social and economic shutdown.

Reports keep rolling in on the destruction caused by governmental orders to shut down the economy, our educational system, and large portions of society.
My prediction is we will continue to these reports for the next five or 10 years,
Merely two of recent articles:
- Excess deaths are identifiable for people who had mental health struggles.
- Harvard study shows lockdowns seriously hurt earnings of poor folk while rich folk were earning more money.
Lockdowns killed people with mental health struggles.
Medical Express – 10/8/21 – Excess deaths in people with mental health conditions increased during the Covid-19 pandemic– The lockdowns and other actions taken during the pandemic killed a significant number of people with mental health trouble.
Let me say it again – The shutdowns killed people who were already struggling with mental health problems.
A concept we all need to learn about is something called “excess deaths.”