Do you use an iPhone, Android phone, Kindle, Mac, PC, Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, Spotify, Google, Uber, Lyft, Waze, airbnb, FaceBook, Instagram, or Snapchat? Most of us use many of those.
If you like those services, then you really love capitalism.
Where do you think all those creative, innovative, successful services and companies came from?
The following video points out that every one of those services came
….from entrepreneurs with great ideas and the freedom to test them in the marketplace.
We call that capitalism.
Now consider some other services.
Video asks if you have recently been to DMV, taken a journey through the TSA security grope line, mailed something at USPS, or tried to reach IRS customer support?
Where do those sluggish, unresponsive services come from?
The government.
Why the difference in service levels between those two groups? Video explains the reason:
One needs to satisfy its customers to survive and grow; one doesn’t
Jared Meyer of the Manhattan Institute goes into more detail, explaining Why You Love Capitalism: