As stupidity and possibly criminal actions by allegedly educated school educators grow, pushback from students also grows.

The foolishness of those who think they rule over you and me is growing week by week. The poor behavior, bad decision-making, and ill intent of those who think they have power is becoming more obvious.
The situation in the Oakdale, California school system is an emerging story. It has developed this week and the situation is deteriorating by the day. Might want to check online for current developments.
RedState – 2/4/22 – California High School “Barricaded” Unmasked Students in Unheated School Gym – What can we call this other than stupidity? Perhaps criminal? Perhaps deserving of a week in jail for every child abused?
The educational wizards in the Oakdale, California schools have implemented the cold treatment for students who will not submit to the mask diktat.
On day one, an eight-year-old and another child who showed up at school without a mask were put outside in the 43° weather, unsupervised by any adult, told to do their school work outside. Did I mention the near freezing temperature?
The cold treatment goes downhill from there.
Update 2/4/22: New report claims a school employee turned the heat down. It was not a case of just not turning the heat on. A staff person intentionally removed heat when children were barricaded in the gym.