Want to improve the lives of people at the bottom? Then provide economic freedom.

 “My family and I have succeeded by following the path to freedom. But that path is on the verge of vanishing. What we’re starting to see here in America now is a growth in the size and the scope of government that is now starting to look like the governments that we left behind.”

Here is how to lift people up the economic ladder:

Advancing economic freedom is the best way to improve human well-being, especially those at the bottom.

That’s the path to moving out of poverty and economic success. Check out this video from LIBRE Initiative:



I’ll be treated as I deserve – you can have that in capitalism combined with democracy

Recently watched one of my favorite movies again.  Gettysburg tells some of the story of that famous battle.

I like one monologue in particular, one between Col. Chamberlain and Sgt. Kilrain.  There is a beautiful illustration of the freedom to accomplish what you can.

The scene:



Improvements in our standard of living and ‘The Price of Everything’ – 1

I previously discussed a book that describes the power and beauty of the pricing mechanism on my other blog.

I’m going to bring that discussion to this blog. The discussions will be slightly revised.

The focus is on the radical improvement in the standard of living we have seen over the last 100 years. Why are things so incredibly better now? If we can grapple with that question we have a good shot at sustaining that improvement.
