Surveillance society – A very bad week for privacy.

(Cross-post from my other blog, Outrun Change.)

Joke of the week – if my computer or website crashes, can I get a backup copy from NSA?

Lots of publicity this week on extensive federal monitoring of citizens and non citizens. No time to write a full post, so just a quick note to put some dots on the page. Hopefully will have time to connect them later

Four massive stories this week:


Why the difference between the excitement and opportunities in technology news and the horrible, terrible, depressing everything-falling-apart news in the political realm?

I challenge you to this experiment: Spend a few days reading nothing but technology news. Then spend a few days reading nothing but political news. For the first few days [you will] see an exciting world of innovation and creativity where everything is getting better all the time. In the Read more…

Profile of Margaret Thatcher – Legacy of freedom

The Economist magazine had a nice profile on the legacy of Margaret Thatcher: No ordinary politician.

Items of interest for this blog are comments about her changing the overall economic and political direction of England away from Socialist back to Capitalist.

A colleague of hers once quoted Abraham Lincoln as encouragement to her before a major speech. She pulled out a copy of the quote from her purse. The comment? (more…)

A powerful argument for smaller government, no matter what your political opinions may be otherwise

Why favor smaller, less-powerful government?

So people you can’t stand whose values you detest will have less power to impose their silly opinions on you.

Take your pick from these two perspectives from Don Boudreaux in his post Laissez Faire at Cafe Hayek.

If your opinions run to the left side of the political spectrum, consider this: (more…)