Everyone is aware of the Consumer Price Index. Another less known indicator of price levels is the Producer Price Index, or PPI.
(Discussion cross-posted from Attestation Update because the inflation we are now seeing is a direct and expected consequence of policies at the federal level. Serious levels of inflation impact our economic and political freedom.)
The PPI suggests prices have been shooting up since the January 2021.
This index is explained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Above video is parody of the song “Imagine”, showing the actual results from communism every time it has been ever been tried: empty store shelves, hunger, poverty, repression, political prisons, and death. I could go into depth on the consequences Read more…
Two years ago it would have been stupid, preposterous, outlandish, tin-foil-hat-wearing, coocoo-bird-crazy to even suggest we could get to the place of needing internal passports in the United States.
Your papers please.
German: Bitte deine Papiere.
Russian: vashi dokumenty, pozhaluysta
English: Your papers please.
On the off chance you missed the implications, the phrase “your papers please” was used in Nazi Germany and communist Soviet Union by those dictatorial governments to check whether people were allowed to be where they were.
Internal passports were needed to move around the country.
Official papers had to be produced upon demand, at any time, even in your own neighborhood.
Sliding down the slippery slope to “your papers please.”
For the last 10 months or so I have been thinking that flaming hypocrisy is the driving force behind so many elected politicians and appointed health officials flagrantly ignoring their own rules.
My perception is shifting.
Instead of blatant, intentional hypocrisy, perhaps our masters in the ruling caste don’t really believe their own rules. Perhaps they don’t think that masks matter. Perhaps they don’t think that social distancing matters. Perhaps they don’t think Covid infections are really that big of a deal.
If they thought the risks of infection, the dangers from an illness, and the risks to their loved ones were serious threats, don’t you think they would actually try to protect themselves and their families?
Perhaps they believe the rules they demand us peasants and serfs follow blindly don’t do any good. Maybe the actions steps are worthless.
The end of this discussion lists 14 posts I have written describing the flaming hypocrisy of our overlords. I have only touched the surface.
The latest in a non-ending list of illustrations is the mayor of Washington DC. She delayed the effective timing for new face mask dictats until after her birthday party. Imagine that.
Several hours after the mask requirement went into effect, the mayor officiated a wedding at a four-star hotel in DC. The mayor and several hundred guests were not wearing masks.
Party on!
7/31/21 – The Blaze – DC …mayor caught partying without facemask after enacting new mask mandate – Many people were curious why the mayor of DC imposed a mandatory mask requirement but delayed the effective time by two days. If is a serious life-threatening crisis and masks are needed why wait until Saturday morning?
Well, the reason became obvious after Friday night.
Because of travel and other matters, I’ve taken a break from blogging the last few weeks. Have been on a rigorous news diet as well, which was delightful.
In the last couple of days I started tuning in to the news.
The craziness from allegedly educated people in the public health sector is staggering. Lots of officials have moved to crazyland while I took a short break.
Today’s discussion:
LAUSD will require all students and staff to be tested weekly for infection even if vaccinated.
Protests emerging worldwide against lockdowns.
Maine church files for preemptive injunction in attempt to prevent future repression of religious freedom.
The slide into crazyland
Things can always get worse…
You thought CDC recommending everyone wear masks indoors was bad. Just wait…
Early yesterday the US Secretary of Defense arrived in the Philippines for consultations.
He is fully vaccinated so he is safe from the ‘rona, at least that is what the ‘science’ has boldly declared morning, noon, and night for the last year.
Get ready for another lockdown. The warning signs are everywhere.
Oh, another round of hypocrisy from our esteemed Governor here in California.
Warning signs
About a week ago, the state of California announced when school resumes this summer, all school children will be required to wear a mask during the entire school day. Vaccination status is irrelevant. Past infection is irrelevant. The exquisitely low infection rate among children is irrelevant. The infinitesimal fatality rate it is irrelevant.
Over the past weekend the state of California and federal Department of Veteran Affairs announced they will require all employees to prove they are vaccinated or get tested weekly and show a negative result.