One of the reasons why we are seeing record setting high inflation: staggering, astronomical level of federal spending.
The amount of money Congress has pumped into the economy in an attempt to fight the Covid pandemic is staggering. Don’t quite have enough adjectives to describe the amount of money that is forced into the economy without any corresponding increase in production.
The amount spent directly on the pandemic is more than four times the annual budget at the federal level.
This is one of the primary reasons we are seeing inflation rates running at a thirty year high.
A close cousin on the list of inflation causes is the Fed flooding the economy with liquidity. See previous discussion: Just how much money has the Federal Reserve created out of thin air and injected into the economy?
I’ve pulled together the amount of money appropriated by Congress in 2020 and 2021 which are focused on fighting the pandemic and stimulating the economy. Here is my tally, with amount of funding in billions of dollars, date Congress passed the legislation, and name of the program: