Alleged health care experts are at it again in California.

Given that it won’t work, doesn’t matter how you wear it.
Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.
11/1/23 – Fox 2 KTVU – Masks required in certain settings again in California – Several counties in the San Francisco Bay Area will start requiring masks in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities.
Everyone going into any medical facility in Marin County and Santa Clara counties now has to have a mask. The diktat in Alameda, Sonoma, San Mateo, and Contra Costa counties only demand healthcare workers be masked up when there are around patients.
Covid test results were up in July and August but have dropped substantially since then. Again, testing shows infections are going down. But because there is going to be flu around over the winter and there might be some Covid cases, masks will be required.
In the spirit of 15-days-to-smooth-the-curve, the requirements will only be in place until the end of March. Anyone want to give odds on how many years this diktat will run?
11/3/23 – Outkick – Mask Mandates Officially Return in California – Article points out the foolishness of so-called health officials who have adopted
“…a permanent state of rolling mandates in far left areas unwilling to accept reality.”
There are now several years worth of data to demonstrate conclusively that masks do no good. Actual scientific studies instead of speculative guesses have demonstrated as much. Comparing results of states with harsh Covid policies and those with rational thinking government officials show no difference.
Nevertheless we’re left with:
“After years of failure, virtually none of those involved in harming the public, line about the efficacy of masks and harmony children apologized admitted that masks were ineffective.”
Article has a graph showing the number of hospitalizations in Marin County has gone up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down since 2020. Overlaid with that graph is the vaccination rate of those with one dose, vaccination rate with two doses, date of mask mandates for the county, removal mandate for vaccinated, and state mandate.
Conclusion from looking at the graph is neither vaccinations nor the mask mandates had any visible impact on hospitalization rates. The number of people hospitalized goes up and down independent of masks mandates and vaccination rates.
Oh yeah, those new mask dictates went in place even though neither the number of infections nor hospitalizations were rising.
Why require everyone to wear masks in a healthcare facility?
Because the supposed experts think there is a surge just around the corner. There is no data. There is no evidence. There is no test result info. Just collective personal opinion and wild guesses. That’s all it takes to demand people take ineffective steps.