Economic stats show rapid disintegration of economy. Collapse in physical and emotional health won’t be this easy to calculate.

Unemployment office by Bytemarks is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
The economic statistics are rolling out to show the initial impact of the shutdown of the economy.
The collateral effect the shutdown and isolation will have on deteriorating emotional and mental health along with increased mortality due to postponed or canceled medical treatment will take years to quantify.
New stats in last few days:
- 3.8 million new unemployment claims this week
- New unemployment claims in six weeks are now equal to 18% of the people who were working in February
- CBO expects unemployment rate to average 11% for 2020
- 4.8% annualized drop in GDP for first quarter
New claims for unemployment
4/30/20 – Department of Labor – Unemployment insurance weekly claims – Another 3,839,000 people filed an initial claim for unemployment in the week ending April 25.