Before we use Venezuelan Bolivares currency to show the devastation of hyperinflation, let’s finish looking at the currency.
Previous post showed the front (obverse) of 2 through 100,000 Bolivares paper money.
Now let’s look at the back (reverse).
The reverse side shows various wildlife.
2 – dated 12/27/12 – Toninas

5 – dated 5/24/07, Cachicama gigante, giant cachicamo

10 – dated 8/19/14, Aguila Arpia, harpy eagle, largest raptor in the rainforest; one of the largest eagles in the world. Females range from 12 to 20 pounds, males from 9 to 13 lb.

20 – dated 10/29/13, Tortuga Carey, hawksbill turtle

50 – dated 11/5/15, Oso frontino, frontino bear, spectacled bear

100 – dated 11/5/15, Cardenalitos, cardinals

500 – dated 3/23/17 –Toninas

1,000 – dated 3/23/17, Cachicama gigante, giant cachicamo

2,000 – dated 8/18/16, Aguila Arpia, harpy eagle

5,000 – dated 12/13/17, Tortuga Carey, hawksbill turtle

10,000 – dated 12/13/17, spectacled bear

20,000 – dated 12/13/17, Carenalitos, cardinals

100,000 – dated 12/13/17, Carenalitos, cardinals

As you can see, colorful and quite attractive.